First of all, what is Medicaid?
Medicaid is health insurance issued by your state. Medicaid is often confused with Medicare. Medicare is government-sponsored insurance specifically for elderly or those with certain chronic conditions.
Medicaid is only for children and pregnant women.
Previously, the requirements did exclude many people from Medicaid coverage. That has changed. As of January 1st, 2019, Virginia expanded Medicaid to cover adults. For a household of one, you can make up to $17,237 per year and still qualify for Medicaid. Curious as to whether your income falls within guidelines? Check out this chart.
I missed the open enrollment period to apply for Medicaid.
You can apply for Medicaid year-round. There is no open enrollment period.
Most doctors do not accept Medicaid.
There are certain private doctors’ offices that do not accept Medicaid health insurance or only take a certain percentage of patients that have Medicaid. Community health centers, like Johnson Health Center, accept nearly all insurances and offer multiple services such as primary care, mental health, dentistry, pharmacy and OB/GYN care. Hospitals also accept Medicaid.
Medicaid doesn’t cover everything I need.
Medicaid is comprehensive, meaning it covers many different services. For example, Medicaid will cover hospital stays, primary care visits, mental health services, prescriptions and much more. Medicaid will even provide transportation and some plans have added benefits such as free gym memberships!
I can’t apply for Medicaid because I work.
Medicaid has changed. Virginia has increased the amount of income an individual can make and expanded coverage to adults. Most people who have Medicaid do work. Having access to health insurance, no matter whether it is through your job, the Affordable Care Act, the government or the state, is important for you and your family to remain healthy.
If you would like assistance applying for health insurance, we have Certified Application Counselors on staff to help you at no charge to you. You do not have to be a patient of Johnson Health Center to meet with one of our counselors. Call 434-929-1400 extension 1140 for more information.